
Manitoba has second-highest HIV diagnosis rate in Canada, led by injection drug use: report | CBC News

Manitoba has the second-highest rate of HIV diagnosis in the country, provincial and federal reports reveal.In 2023, there were 280 new HIV diagnoses in Manitoba — a 40 per cent increase compared to 2022, according to the province's 2023 HIV surveillance report released on Friday.Manitoba's HIV infection rate was 19.3 people per 100,000, falling only behind national leader Saskatchewan, which had a rate of 19.4 people per 100,000, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada's 2023 report.The...

Gender-affirming care lacking in rural areas of Manitoba, study finds

When Parker Morran saw a doctor in Steinbach in 2020 to discuss transitioning, the 31-year-old wasn’t provided care or compassion.
Instead, Morran, who uses they/them pronouns, says they got a “long rant” on how transitioning doesn’t align with Christianity.
“I just laughed at him and said, ‘This is a stupid thing to say to your patient,’” says Morran, who grew up in Kleefeld, a town of less than 2,000 people west of Steinbach.
“I know that I’m not the only person who he said things like that to...

Reporting for ‘special duty’: Winnipeg police spent 50,000 hours moonlighting in just over a year

It’s Bombers’ game day and thousands of fans clad in Blue and Gold are descending on Princess Auto Stadium from all corners. It’s a noisy, somewhat hectic affair as the team’s faithful arrive on buses, cars, bicycles and foot.
While stadium staff direct traffic, a Winnipeg police officer stands alone amid pylons at a blocked-off roadway looking at his phone.
Inside, uniformed police are weaving their way through the sold-out crowd. Some are positioned close to the rowdy Rum Hut, while others pla...