Matthew Frank

Welcome to my portfolio. I'm a freelance journalist based in Winnipeg, Man. 

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Reporting for ‘special duty’: Winnipeg police spent 50,000 hours moonlighting in just over a year

It’s Bombers’ game day and thousands of fans clad in Blue and Gold are descending on Princess Auto Stadium from all corners. It’s a noisy, somewhat hectic affair as the team’s faithful arrive on buses, cars, bicycles and foot.
While stadium staff direct traffic, a Winnipeg police officer stands alone amid pylons at a blocked-off roadway looking at his phone.
Inside, uniformed police are weaving their way through the sold-out crowd. Some are positioned close to the rowdy Rum Hut, while others pla...

Local news

Gender-affirming care lacking in rural areas of Manitoba, study finds

When Parker Morran saw a doctor in Steinbach in 2020 to discuss transitioning, the 31-year-old wasn’t provided care or compassion.
Instead, Morran, who uses they/them pronouns, says they got a “long rant” on how transitioning doesn’t align with Christianity.
“I just laughed at him and said, ‘This is a stupid thing to say to your patient,’” says Morran, who grew up in Kleefeld, a town of less than 2,000 people west of Steinbach.
“I know that I’m not the only person who he said things like that to...
